Game: Rainbow Six Siege
Platform: PC
Date: 10.07.2024
List of contents
- Preamble
- General rules
- Technical rules
- Casting/Streaming
- Tournament Rules: General
- For the tournament day
- Cheating
Scope of application
This rulebook is valid for R6 Central Combine.
By participating in R6 Central Combine, every team member accepts this rulebook. Each player is independently responsible for informing himself about the current version of the rulebook. -
Change of rules
R6 Central Combine reserves the right to punish unsportsmanlike or unfair behavior or actions that are not stated in this rulebook.
Should a change of the rules be necessary during the R6 Central Combine tournaments, this change may be made and will be accessible in the "Rules" section on r6-combine.eu. -
In this tournament, the Ubisoft Terms of Use and the Ubisoft Code of Conduct, as well as the Rainbow Six: Siege Code of Conduct will apply.
If any paragraph or rule in this rulebook is found to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable, or in violation of applicable law, the remainder of the rulebook shall remain in effect.
German law is considered to be the applicable law. Likewise, the decision on any situation not stated in this rulebook is at the discretion and power of the tournament director and admins, provided that it is necessary to preserve the integrity and stability of the tournament. -
In order to preserve the integrity of R6 Central Combine and the business reputation of UBISOFT, each Team agrees not to enter into and shall make sure that its Team Staff and Players do not enter into any sponsorship or partnership with one of the following sponsors in connection with their participation into R6 Central Combine without the prior consent in writing of UBISOFT.- Alcoholic products, and in particular liquors and beers (including non-alcoholic version of eponymbeers), or other intoxicating substances whose sale or use is regulated by law (including cannabis-based products)
- Tobacco, cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, related paraphernalia
- Firearms (including firearm accessories or ammunitions), including replicas or airsoft products
- Gambling or betting websites, including fantasy esports operators
- Pornography and other related mature materials and paraphernalia
- Any medicinal substance that requires prescription or is not freely sold in a pharmacy
- Political campaigns
- Any esports or video game tournament, league or event
- Any entities, companies or organizations that may, at UBISOFT’s sole discretion, be considered detrimental to UBISOFT’s business or reputation, including but not limited to, key sellers, hacking and botting, account selling, in-game currency or digital item selling services, and any other video game, other video game developer, or publisher competing with UBISOFT or UBISOFT games
- Unauthorized and/or non-compliant with applicable law or regulations cryptocurrencies, financial instruments or market activities.
UBISOFT rely on Teams to ensure that any of their sponsor respect all regulations and UBISOFT may:- Require any Team to stop providing sponsorship activation for any sponsor that is likely to put UBISOFT in breach of applicable law, or create any reputational damage if display of such sponsor brand may have an adverse effect on UBISOFT’s good will and reputation
- Prompt any Team to provide any additional documentation or explanation necessary for UBISOFT to justify their sponsor’s compliance with applicable law.
No player or team may take part, directly or indirectly, in betting or gambling (including fantasy esports gambling) on any results of any match and/or any portion of the R6 Central Combine). -
Violations and disqualification
Violations of the rules can be punished e.g. with competitive suspension, disqualification from the tournament, or prize money reductions.
Any multiple violations of the rules may be punished more severely.
The tournament organizer reserves the right to impose penalties according to Annex B "Penalty Index" of the BLAST R6 Global Rulebook in case of offences and rule violations. -
All contents of protests, support requests and correspondence with the admins or the tournament management are to be treated confidentially and may not be published in picture, text or in analogous reproduction. A publication requires the agreement of the tournament management. In case of violation the tournament management reserves the right to impose an appropriate penalty.
Scope of application
General rules
From the beginning of the match day at least one player of each team has to link their R6 Central Combine account to Discord via "My Profile" "Connect Discord" and has to be active on Discord during the whole match and the scheduled lead time. On Discord, a channel will be created for each match, in which support and questions will be dealt with. Communication between the players will also take place here. Before the start of the match, each team must declare its presence.
Each player represents their team in Discord. This means that each player has an equal function in Discord and is entitled to give instructions. -
Support requests
Support requests are indirect or non-match related requests, which concern purely informative, administrative or organisational concerns of the teams towards the tournament management.
A support request must be submitted via the support ticket system integrated on Discord. Support requests that are not submitted via the ticket system are invalid and cannot be used as a reference. This rule also includes personal messages to admins or tournament management. -
Match protests
Protests are directly match-related issues or allegations that determine the course or outcome of a match.
A protest may be claimed by any team at any time during the match. A protest must be reported in the match channel immediately after the offence has occurred. It must be marked "protest" and tagged @staff. In case of violations during an ongoing match, the match must be interrupted and the protest must be reported in the match channel before the action phase of the next round has begun. After the end of the match, only offences from the last round played can be protested. This can be done until the result is confirmed. Protests not made in the match channel are invalid and cannot be used as a reference. This rule also includes personal messages to admins or tournament management.
A protest is only valid as long as the result has not been confirmed. If the match has already ended and the result has been confirmed, a protest will no longer be accepted and processed. The tournament committee reserves the right to overrule this rule in case of proven cheating.
The tournament management and the admins always decide on the basis of the presumption of innocence. This means that the protester has to present valid evidence or arguments, otherwise the protest will not be processed due to insufficient evidence. -
Sportsmanship and fairness
Sportsmanship and fairness must be maintained throughout R6 Central Combine by all players and teams on all associated platforms.
Failure to comply with this rule in live matches will be punished with extra severity. -
Ingame chat
The ingame chat only to be used for important information for the observer (e.g. TT, break, RH, ...) and sportive, match-related match comments (e.g. GLHF, GGWP, NS, ...).
Observers do not make match decisions. For any match-related questions or protests, the associated Discord match channel is to be used. The admins must be tagged for enquiries there.
Non-compliance with this rule in live matches will be punished with particular severity. -
Trolling and non-attendance
In this case, the team will receive a warning first, then further suspensions. This is to avoid, that matches are voluntarily given away.
All matches at R6 Central Combine must be played according to the "best-effort" principle. -
Additional agreement
R6 Central Combine does not allow any concerted action or behavior between the teams, which limit the validity of the rules or make them partially or completely or partially invalid. -
Each team must be ready in the match lobby 15 minutes before the scheduled match time to avoid delays. Each team is also responsible for the individual team members and their punctuality.
If a team is not all present in the lobby 15 minutes after the scheduled match time, the match will be considered a no-show. -
Ubisoft account in good standing
In order to be eligible to participate in R6 Central Combine and throughout the entire duration of R6 Central Combine, Players and Team Staff may not own or use a Ubisoft account that is not in good standing. The notion of “Good standing” is construed in application of the Rainbow Six: Siege code of conduct and of Ubisoft Terms of Use and such standing may be verified by UBISOFT from time to time.
Any sanction emitted by UBISOFT on the Ubisoft account of a Player or Team Staff may translate into Sanction(s) in R6 Central Combine. Additionally, should any Player or Team Staff own or use another account that is not in good standing, any sanction to such account may translate into Sanction(s) in R6 Central Combine as well. -
End of match
Each player has the obligation to stay in the lobby after the end of the match. Players are not allowed to leave the lobby until the host is back in the settings menu.
At least one player per team must upload a screenshot of the result, including scoreboard, in the match channel at the end of the match to confirm the match. Both participating teams are equally responsible for the compliance and execution of this rule. -
Should a team, be it on social media or in the Twitch chat, announce a match result that has not yet been published in the associated stream, this team will be punished with appropriate severity. -
Distribution of winnings
The winnings will only be distributed to the team owner. The team owner is then responsible for any further distribution. The distribution of winnings is done by bank transfer. For this purpose, the information required for a bank transfer must be entered in the team view.
Withholding Taxes
Prize’s payment may be subject to applicable federal, state and local income tax or withholding tax and it is the responsibility of the Team eligible to such payment to seek assistance of a local tax advisor to determine which taxes may apply to the receipt of a prize and ensure that any applicable taxes are reported and paid to the appropriate authority. -
Tier 2 Grand Finals Europe Point Distribution
This tournament is part of the Rainbow Six: Siege Offseason Competition, in which Ubisoft will determine the participants for the T2 Grand Finals Europe in March 2025.
The top eight teams in each of the events will receive points for accumulated standings. Points will be distributed as follows:
1st place: 100 points
2nd place: 90 points
3rd place: 80 points
4th place: 70 points
5th & 6th place: 60 points
7th & 8th place: 50 points
A match for 3rd place will not be played. The team entering the playoffs with the higher seed will be granted the points for place 3. As only six teams participate in the playoffs after phase 3 of the R6 Central Combine, teams ranking 7th and 8th are determined based on the standings at the end of phase 3.
Technical rules
Each team is entitled to one rehost/break per map.
Instead of a rehost, the pause function should be used. If it is not possible for a team to pause, a regular rehost must be used.
A rehost can only be made under the following conditions:
- during the pick phase
- during the preparation phase, if the own team has not taken any damage yet
- during the first 30 seconds of the action phase, if the own team has not taken damage yet
No confirmation from an admin or observer is required for a rehost, but the rehost must be communicated in the match channel with the note "Rehost @staff". If a team leaves the match due to a protest, their rehost will not be honoured. Should a team, 10 minutes after the rehost, not be fully in the match lobby, the match must continue with the players present. Alternatively, a match protest may be opened.
Should a rehost have to be made due to publisher-side problems (e.g. highping in the entire lobby), this will not be credited to either team.
If the match was started with an incomplete team, the rehost can be used to bring missing players into the match. -
Tactical Timeout
Each team is entitled to one Tactical Timeout (in-game function) per map. -
Each player is responsible for ensuring the best possible connection for him, considering the region and technical conditions (ping).- Ping The maximum latency is 100ms. If a player repeatedly exceeds this limit, a rehost must first take place before a match protest may be opened. If a protest is opened, the match will be interrupted and, if the problem is not solved, must be played to the end with the remaining players. For a protest to be valid, at least 3 screenshots over the period of 2 rounds must be submitted showing the latency violation.
- Disconnect If a player leaves the game after the first 30 seconds of the action phase have passed or intentionally leaves the game after the own team has taken damage, the current round must be played to the end. If the entire team leaves a round without using the rehost in time, the team still in the game will receive the point for that round. Between rounds, the player who left the game can reconnect or a rehost can be claimed. If a player repeatedly disconnects and the rehost has already been redeemed, the team must finish the map with the remaining players. Each player is responsible for their own software and hardware.
Technical errors
Each player is responsible for their own hardware and internet connection. A match will not be rescheduled due to technical problems or missing players. Should a team not be able to compete with the roster registered for the tournament, the match will be considered a freewin for the opponent.
The casting of an R6 Central Combine match is only allowed for R6 Central Combine and may not be done by anyone else.
External casts must be requested in advance via ticket on our Discord. -
Streaming from the first person perspective must be done with at least 240 seconds delay and is only allowed if the corresponding match is not broadcast by Main Production. The stream title must also mention R6 Central Combine. The stream title must not be offensive, racist or generally damaging to the reputation of the team. In case of disregard, the entire team can be disqualified. Each team is responsible for its own stream.
The Stream needs to comply with Ubisoft Code of Conduct and Video policy. Also the stream may not be associated with any brand or product that are in the restricted list (see section 8.6 of the BLAST R6 Global Rulebook). -
After the end of the match, the designated player of the winning team has the duty to go to the Discord channel "Interviews". This player is then moved to the casters and conducts an interview with the casters there.
Tournament Rules: General
Conditions of participation: Team
Every Non-Tier-1 organization is allowed to participate in the open qualifiers with any number of teams. In case of qualifying with multiple teams, only the highest ranking team, is allowed to move on to phase 2. In this case, teams from lower rankings will be moved up.
Players who are registered in the participating team on the R6 Central Combine website are considered to be participating players and are therefore eligible to play, given they are fulfilling the conditions of participation for players, as below.
The tournament license is always held by the owner of the team on www.r6-combine.eu and can only be transferred to a new owner if more than 50% of the team is in agreement. The team must then create a ticket on the R6 Central Combine Discord Server with a request to transfer the license to a new license holder and justify their request. The request is then reviewed and either approved or denied. In neither scenario, the earnings are touched, as long as the team remains eligible to play.
An exception to this rule is if the license holder wishes to actively surrender the license. This does not require the team's consent. Only the recipient of the license must consent. If the team does not agree to the transfer, the veto rule described above can be used.
By joining a team, players agree and accept all administrative rights of the licence holder including the responsibility for prize money distribution.
If the owner does not have player status (e.g. manager), but is still to be considered the licence holder, this must be notified to the tournament management by ticket.
In this case, the owner is not considered as one of the nine available player slots. -
Conditions of participation: Player
Admitted players must meet the following criteria:- The player must be a natural person
- Players must be at least 18 years old.
- BLAST R6 Players from regions other than EU are not allowed to participate in any phase of this event.
- BLAST R6 players from the European region can participate under the conditions mentioned in 5.3.
- Players who got officially transferred off a T1 roster into Free Agency or into their academic roster, are allowed to compete. In case an organization did not communicate the drop of a player towards BLAST R6/Ubisoft yet, players can request their organization to inform the tournament management about the planned drop of that player, by creating a ticket on the R6 Central Combine Discord. If said transfer does not happen prior to the end of the current BLAST R6 European League transfer window, the tournament organizer holds the right, to impose penalties fort he Tier 2 Circuit. In addition to that, BLAST R6/Ubisoft holds the right to impose penalties on the BLAST R6 Global Circuit.
- Each person may only have one account within R6 Central Combine.
- Players are only allowed to compete in one team of the R6 Central Combine at the same time.
- Communication in German or English writing and language must be guaranteed.
- The player must have entered his or her Ubisoft Connect Nickname/ID.
- Any person associated with the organization and management of R6 Central Combine is not allowed to participate in R6 Central Combine.
Without the explicit consent of the persons concerned in their profile, none of the data determined for the eligibility check will be stored. The data will then only be queried live once and will not be recorded at any time.
To prevent further verification checks, the players can notify the administration to store the data for further cases. -
BLAST R6 Tier-1 teams may not participate in the R6 Central Combine. BLAST R6 organizations may only have one academy team participating. Only one player, who is a signed player in a BLAST R6 Tier-1 team's roster, may be a member in the official academy team roster of their respective organization. -
Permitted optical modifications
- Esports Program's Cosmetics
- Pro League skins (gold sets)
- Pro R6Share teams branded cosmetics
- Six Major branded cosmetics
- Six Invitational branded cosmetics
- Card Backgrounds
All other modifications are not permitted.
Tie breaker rules
Ties after the Open Qualifiers are broken by looking at the following elements sequentially:- Highest score (Unique Qualifier Points)
- Order of scores (Unique Qualifier Points)
- Round difference (without first round, without no shows, only in the three counting qualifiers)
- Round difference - (without first round, without no shows, only best qualifier)
- Highest win (Only in the three counting qualifiers, without no shows)
- Best defeat (Only in the three counting qualifiers)
- BO1 Tie Breaker Match
- Round difference
- Head to head
- Highest win (head to head)
- Highest win (except no shows)
- BO1 Tie Breaker Match
Transfer of players
For the qualifiers, every player that is on the team before the tournament start is allowed to play, given they are fulfilling the conditions of participation for players.
Players can be swapped between Qualifiers.
If a team qualifies through the Open Qualifiers, three players of the qualifier with the most points need to be part of the roster for Phase 2. If a team has scored the same number of points twice as the highest score, the earlier qualifier applies.
In case of voting-ties within a team, the Owner of the team has the last word.
Roster changes (from Phase 2):
If your team qualifies for Phase 2, the lineup needs to be submitted by joining the team on r6-combine.eu until July 24th (roster lock).
The players that are part of the team on r6-combine.eu count as current roster. The maximum amount of players for a team is 9.
Roster changes (between phases):
Teams are allowed two transfers between Phase 3 and 4.
Roster lock: July 24th
Transfer window: August 12th
During the transfer phase, any number of players can be dropped - but only two new players may be added.
Only players who are eligible to play as per rule 05.02. are allowed to be added.
Players from teams that have participated in the R6 Central Combine 2024 can be picked, if their team has already dropped out of the tournament previously.
If a player who successfully qualified for the playoffs with another team wishes to transfer, they need the active permission by the license holder of the previous team via ticket.
Explicitly excluded from this rule are weapon skins. Consequently, all weapon skins are allowed.
Battlepass skins are not allowed.
Drone skins are not allowed.
Cosmetics Rule (drone skins, gadget skins, uniforms and headgears)
1st Offence: Warning
2nd Offence: Round loss
3rd Offence: Map loss
This will not be applied retroactively at the end of a map or a match, therefore this needs to be brought in via protest immediately. -
Conditions of participation: Team
For the tournament day
Normally, an observer opens the lobby. The observer will invite players to the game lobby and ensure the correct settings. It is not allowed to open your own lobby or start the game on your own if an observer is set as the game host. -
If a caster is set as match host, the players will be invited to the game lobby and the caster will ensure the correct settings. It is not allowed to open an own lobby or to start the game independently, should a caster be set as match host. -
The team that has chosen the map hosts the match and is responsible for the correct settings.
The players that are part of a team on r6-combine.eu count as roster. A roster has a maximum amount of 9 players. The final roster needs to be submitted by joining the team on r6-combine.eu until July 24th. -
Match Lineup
5 players of a roster can be selected for the line-up. The match may only be played with these players. A match can't be started with less than five players. A substitution of players during the match is prohibited.
The line-up can still be adjusted before the start of the match. The admins are to be informed via @staff. -
The following maps are in the mappool:
Oregon, Clubhouse, Kafe Dostojewski, Chalet, Bank, Skyscraper, Border, Consulate, Nighthaven Labs -
The mapban takes place on the website in the respective match. 21 minutes before the start of the match the mapvote will be activated. There, the maps that are not to be played will be banned. The maps will be banned in turn so that one map (decider map) remains. Each team has 2 minutes to ban a map. If no bans are made within this time, the system will automatically ban a map and the map vote will continue. The team that banned the second to last map chooses the desired side (attacker or defender) on the decider map.
The team that does not have the choice of side chooses the side for the overtime. If the team has not chosen a side for the overtime before the start of the match, this setting remains random.
Bo3 Mapvote:
The team that did not pick the map may choose the side of that map.
Bo5 Mapvote:
The team that did not pick the map gets to choose the side of that map. -
Match settings
Data Center: Dedicated Server (Region: EU Central) Voice Chat: Team only Match Replay: On HUD settings: Pro League Match settings: Number of Bans: 4 Ban Timer: 20 Number of Rounds: 12 Attacker/Defender Role swap: 6 Overtime Rounds: On Overtime Rounds: 3 Overtime Score Difference: 2 Overtime Role Change: 1 Objective Rotation Parameter: 2 Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played Pick Phase Timer: 15 Operator HP: 100 Friendly Fire Damage: 100 Friendly Fire in Prep Phase: Off Reverse Friendly Fire: Off Injured: 20 Sprint: On Lean: On Death Duration: 2 Death Replay: Off Tactical Timeout: Requests available per team: 1 Allow requests from: Players Timeout duration: 45 Game Mode BOMB: Plant Duration: 7 Defuse Duration: 7 Fuse Time: 45 Defuse Carrier Selection: On Preparation Phase Duration: 45 Action Phase Duration: 180 -
New operators are not sent to quarantine, and are therefore allowed to be played.
Operators that are officially quarantined by Ubisoft are also considered as quarantined operators by us.
R6 Central Combine reserves the right to announce its own Operator bans. -
Use of prohibited skins
If a round is started with a forbidden skin, the player concerned must immediately be removed from the current round via teamkill without performing any action in the game and adjust the skin. The round that was started must be played with a shorthanded team. -
Incorrect game settings
If a game has been started with incorrect game settings, the opponent must be informed immediately. If two full rounds have passed and the incorrect settings have not been brought up, the settings shall be deemed accepted and shall not be changed.
Illegal programs and modifications
Any hardware or software that gives a player an advantage over their opponents is strictly prohibited. In case of violation, the entire team may be disqualified. -
Additional hardware and software (General)
Any hardware or software that gives a player an advantage over their opponents is strictly prohibited. The same applies to actions that give a player or team an advantage in any way. This applies in particular to the exploitation of bugs and glitches. -
Bugs and Exploits
The list of bug exploits or in-game exploits that are prohibited from being used is indicated below and will be updated from time to time. Any bug exploits or in-game exploits not currently indicated in this list shall be escalated to UBISOFT and/or the Tournament Organizer so that UBISOFT can investigate as to whether such bug exploits, or in-game exploit must be barred from usage in any competition.
These are known unintended mechanics that have been approved for use and, unless a new variation or change impacts these, Teams may implement them.- Using equipment or defusing through a destructible surface
- Destroying a hatch with the defuser on it to cause it to fall and deactivate (resulting in a win for the defending team)
- Smoking through walls
- Hibana’s pellets, Ace’s SELMA charges and Thermite’s exothermic charges can be placed anywhere
- Any position that Players can get their operator, drones or gadgets to, and out of, by passing through any object, wall or surface, resulting in the operator, drone or gadget not being seen as they normally should.
- Any position that Players can get their operator, drones or gadgets to, and out of, only through the help of one or multiple of their teammates clustering around them (through 3D models collisions)
- Any behavior or action that Players can perform to create a situation where they can see or shoot at an opponent without the opponent being able to see them or attack/shoot at them as they normally should.
- Standing on a window ledge undetected
- Blocking window vaulting with a destructible shield
- Shooting through what is intended to be non-destructible items including walls, floors, ceilings and other objects or surfaces.
- Placing any equipment or gadget in a place where it cannot be destroyed
- Vaulting on ledges and proning to reach normally inaccessible spots
- Vaulting onto skylight windows
Anti-Cheat Software: MOSS
The decision to require MOSS is up to the participating teams. MOSS must only be used if one of the teams wishes to use MOSS in a match. This must be stated on the website during the line-up selection. Both teams then have the obligation to play with MOSS. Both teams are also obliged to upload the MOSS files to the website within 20 minutes after the end of the match without being asked. Point 1.06 also applies to the content of the MOSS files.
Should both participating teams decide to not use MOSS, protests regarding cheating allegations cannot be accepted.
If a team wants to open a protest based on the MOSS files, it must not have confirmed the match result yet. By confirming the match result, a team forfeits any right to protest in relation to MOSS files. The match result must be confirmed at the latest 30 minutes after the end of the match without a protest in progress-
Incomplete Mossfiles
If a MOSS file does not contain all the necessary contents for completeness, it is considered invalid and will not be evaluated.
A complete MOSS file includes the following files:
- Correct parameters: Rainbow Six Siege
- Screenshots of all connected and listed screens
- Logfile.log
Black screenshots
So-called "black images" are considered "black images" as soon as at least one screen of the screenshot is black.
A submitted moss file may not contain more than 30% of black images. Otherwise the moss file is considered invalid and will not be evaluated. -
Edited Mossfiles
If a demonstrably edited or invalid MOSS file is submitted, it will not be scored and will be deemed not to have been submitted. In addition, if the MOSS files are edited, the tournament committee may disqualify the player or the entire team. -
Missing Mossfiles
If moss files are required but a team is unable to submit them in full, the match is considered a defeat. -
RemoteControlSystems (RCS) & VPN
RCS and VPNs are strictly prohibited in use at R6 Central Combine and will result in disqualification of the team. The use of a remote control system must be properly verified. The listing of an active "Kernal Time" or "User Time" in the MOSS system file, which exceeds a time of 00:00:15, is sufficient proof. -
Unreliability of MOSS
If a crash occurs in MOSS during a round, the opponent must be informed immediately. The round must then be interrupted and is repeated from the moment of the crash. If the crash is only noticed after more than two rounds, the round is repeated from the current round and the opposing team wins the skipped rounds. This must also be noted in the match channel and an @staff must be marked.
Incomplete Mossfiles
Illegal programs and modifications